Felix Diversity Strategists was founded by Vanessa Chikaka in January 2021 to address the challenges around race & retention within the corporate sector in the UK and Germany.
As a corporate lawyer of 4 years, Vanessa understands the cultural challenges that ethnic talent face within a predominantly white environment.
"On average, black & ethnic lawyers leave the firm they trained at two and a half years before their white colleagues. Many leave
the corporate industry as a whole. This is a real problem that we need to address." - Vanessa
To be a global movement towards better and more inclusive work cultures and environments for black & ethnic talent at corporate organisations.
To move from an awareness standpoint to a clear focus and action plan. We want to make retention and support of ethnic talent a priority within corporate organisations in the UK and Germany.
To help law firms and corporate organisations retain and support their black and ethnic talent, by offering fun, yet challenging topic-specific pop-up forums and trainings that address the talent's unique challenges.
Creating a safe space to strategise and brainstorm within our forums and alongside our field experts.